Friday, May 20, 2016

"78 Representatives Ask Obama Admin How It Will Force Schools to Obey LGBT Bathroom Order"

PJ Media:  On Friday, a group of 78 representatives signed a letter asking the Department of Education (ED) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) how they would enforce the new interpretation of federal law to grant transgender people access to facilities that do not correspond to their biological sex. Denouncing the "suggested guidance" as an overreach on behalf of the federal government, the representatives challenged the authority of these agencies to issue such an order.

In effect, the Obama administration unilaterally altered federal law by redefining "sex" to include gender. As the letter makes clear, "this guidance expands the ED and DOJ's interpretations of sex discrimination to include not only an individual's biological sex, but also an individual's internal sense of gender."

"The Obama administration's edict redefining long-standing definitions in Title IX [of the Education Amendments of 1972] is another clear overreach of the federal government," declared North Carolina Representative Mark Walker, who drafted the letter and led the charge. "The federal government has no business making these decisions, much less, to threaten stripping federal funds from schools for not following their politically motivated orders." (more)


edutcher said...

OK, he's clearly overstepped his limits.

You waited for an election year to challenge him (or maybe he waited because he figured Congress wouldn't dare challenge him).

In any case, Pissy's redefinition is meeting with stiff resistance from the public.

Now what do they do?

Wait for January?

ndspinelli said...

Obama is so fucking insular and cocky, he is clueless as to how these PC edicts help Trump.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

They do help Trump

Methadras said...

78 shithead nothings who will let this half-white Muslim traitor walk all over them. Please, write more letters of nothing stating the obvious you fucking retards.