Sunday, May 1, 2016

Observers are impressed with orangutans


XRay said...

They're very smart in their way of course. Once, over there in SVN we got to watch a troop (what do you call a group of Orangutans') move across the high trees, maybe a hundred feet up. Pretty cool.

The Dude said...

A group of baboons, contrary to the FB meme, is not a congress, rather a Troop.

ndspinelli said...

This post is RAAAACIST! I will sit and watch apes @ the San Diego Zoo for hours. There's an older orangutan who LOVES to look in women's purses. She will watch as a woman goes through her purse w/ great focus. A zoo caretaker encourages women to open their purses and show the ape what's inside. The ape is fascinated as are we humans. The smaller apes and monkeys like to climb in trees and piss on one another. Just like SF for us humans.

rhhardin said...

Hate is stranger than you think; its workings are inexplicable, like the broken look of a stick thrust into water.

- Lautreamont

Chip Ahoy said...

I misspelled orangutans in the title.

orangoutangs, what a dope. I see a 10 year old spelling bee champ rolling her eyes. I stick out my tongue at her. She rolls them back.

Dad Bones said...

But can a rangytang shoot like a monkey?

Steg said...

Awesome gif. I got numerous awkward guffaws out of this one! Stab and release! That was my favorite.

Methadras said...

spinelli, how long are you in San Diego?

ndspinelli said...

I'm here until 5/14.