Thursday, May 26, 2016

Melania Trump's Diary

Well we finally made it! It is official. Donald has collected enough official delegates pledged to him to be the nominee of the Republican Party. Of course there are few hold outs who are acting like Japanese soldiers on some Pacific Island that didn't the word yet. That Eddie Munster pussy in Wisconsin is still dancing around like the punk that he is. And the wise Latina in New Mexico is too busy frying up the tortillas to come to our rally. That’s ok. The train is pulling out of the station and they either get on or they get run over. The time for bullshit is over. The time to take names and kick ass is here. If they want to start their own party now is the time. Go for it.

Donald wants to turn his attention to Granny. He is going to slap her around like Ted does to Heidi. Only this time it is personal. She is so slow and ponderous is like attacking a wooly Mammoth or something. She is as light on her feet as that 600lb man who has a reality show on TLC. Of course he is voting for us. All of the reality stars are voting for us. Even that chick with a dick Jenner. We are going to run the table for reality stars. Snooki. The Countess. Dorinda. Lisa Vanderpump. Those morons on Southern Charm. Even the midgets are on board. Just on the lower shelves.

This last rally in New Mexico is setting the table for what we are going to see going forward. Hordes of hipster assholes and illegal Mexicans waving Mexican flags and throwing rocks and bottles. Rioting in the streets. Donald is going to hang all of that on Granny’s turkey wattled neck. He is going to let America know that the Democrats are the criminal party. They are run by criminals. Their candidate is a criminal. Her husband is a rapist. They want to release murderers and rapists and sign them up to vote. They already did it in Virginia. Obama is going to issue a blanket amnesty just wait and see.  Thousands of criminals will be released out into the community. The liberals don’t care. They don’t live with these savages. But regular Americans of all types will not be amused.

I see where the Kenyan is talking smack about us in Japan. He is apologizing for Donald. Of course he is always apologizing for something. I think the other leaders are just laughing up their kimonos at him. Of course they are worried. There is finally an actual American who will be President. Who will put American interest first. Who won’t be giving them a blank check paying for their defense and getting nothing but the back of their hand. No more endless wars to nation build to secure the oil supply for Europe. We have our own oil. We don’t owe them a thing. America has no permanent allies. Only permanent interests. We need to put them first. Donald will do that. America first.

I have to get ready. We are in North Dakota tonight and Donald promised to take me to a Roadhouse. I hope Patrick Swayze is the bouncer. It is gonna be a blast. I can’t wait to mingle with the people.

I am going to be a great first lady.


edutcher said...

And the punchline is they came from ND, home of that RNC lout, Curly Haugland, one of the states that had those voterless elections - the only one that didn't even tell anybody when they'd had it.

Unbound ND delegates that wanted to do their part put The Donald over the top.

Nice not to have to wait until June 7.

ricpic said...

So is Kristol's great neocon hope Romney gonna get off the wedding cake and into the ring?...he asked facetiously.

Methadras said...

God damn it but Trump scored huge in bagging a woman like Melania. That photo is hot.

ricpic said...

Meth at full attention!

edutcher said...

There was a small rally in Bismarck to celebrate and a press conference after.

At the press conference, The Donald noted how Black Narcissus was trying hard (and failing) to make himself look like the leader the world respected and not Trump.

He nailed it in one take, "It’s unusual that every time he holds a press conference he talks about me".

bagoh20 said...

You guys will love this:

One of my employees, a guy in the maintenance department, was at the Trump protest last night, and he got "Fuck Trump" tattooed on his chest. Not a temporary tat - the real thing about 6 inches across. No, he's not an illegal. He's a ginger American, so it really pops. His excuse was that the artist was giving them out for free. Don't under estimate the challenges of running a small business these days.

Lots of people are getting tattoos out there, both pro and anti-trump. Google it. Our nation has become a trailer park full of carnies.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

bag, who does that employee of yours think he is, a RedState diarist?

William said...

I thought it discomfiting that overseas the people who were most enthusiastic about Obama's presidency were the ones who were most hostile to America. In the end, however, their hostility to America outweighed their fondness for Obama. The Venezulean president is warning about an American invasion.

rcocean said...

Bags, I hope all these tattoos come off easy. The whole tatoo thing puzzles me. I hate them all, they look trashy. Yet I see guys with their whole forearms tattooed and young chicks with tattoos.

2016 America is a bizarre place. If you'd told me in 2000 that in 2016 Hillary would be running against Donald Trump for President, that Gay marriage would be a constitutional right, and that Bruce Jenner would be woman, I'd never believed it.