Friday, May 13, 2016

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

The source pic is an MSNBC video about DWS dodging questions about being challenged in her district by another well-funded Democrat.

DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz ducks questions on debating Sanders-backing opponent
Raw Story - 1 day ago

I didn't listen. What am I masochist? I shut off the sound and fell mesmerized by her remarkably plastic face. I don't believe I've ever seen anything like it. She's incredible. An inspiration to Bell's Palsy sufferers everywhere. With facial exercises this habituated and this extreme she can avoid plastic surgery well into her hundreds.


The Dude said...

What a mug!

edutcher said...


This is why the Demos have no field.

chickelit said...

By sheer coincidence, DWS's opponent is named Perseus.

ndspinelli said...

She was a big fan of Soul Train.

Chip Ahoy said...

That's how I can get her let me play with her hair. By getting her to pretend Soul Train line with me.

Goes like this.

"Darling Debbie with the naturally curly hair, let's play Soul Train line together. You have to help me balance the whole why through though. C'mon, let's do it. And since I can't exactly control them you'll have to match my spazzy movements, c'mon, it'll be fun. Let's do it. We're both very strong we can do that slide between legs thing and we do lifts and flips if you want, c'mon c'mon c'mon" *pulls on arm* " And the next thing you know I"m all into her hair boing boing boing.

Trooper York said...

Imagine banging her. Grinding into that curly bush while her yap never shuts up. Yeesh.

No wonder she is so angry. The perfect feminist.

ampersand said...

Looks like Lisa Simpson in the flesh. I bet her weddings vows included the question,"Paper or Plastic?".