Thursday, March 31, 2016

What's your favorite "Holy Shit" fact?

Reddit top voted comments...
At the height of his success, Pablo Escobar was spending $2500 a month on rubber bands to hold the money he was making.
If a female kangaroo is being chased by a predator and she has a joey in her pouch, she will throw the joey away to distract the pursuer. For this reason, kangaroos typically produce two fertilized eggs but hold one in reserve.
Despite what you read on the news, the average human on this planet has never been less likely to be raped, enslaved, murdered, assaulted or robbed.
So smile more!
The majority of Canada's population lives south of Seattle
The whole objective of the game golf, is to play the least golf.
Crime rates in Mexico drop significantly everytime Javier "Chicharito" Hernandez plays in a match of football (soccer).
Saudi Arabia's sand is such terrible quality, they cannot use it to make glass or anything of the sort, so they have to import it from other places. Like Australia specifically.


Meade said...

The whole objective of the game golf, is to play the least golf.

Haha. I like that one.

AllenS said...

"Can confirm
Source: spent thousands on fitted clubs just to learn that it's me that sucks, not the clubs"

I had to laugh at that one.