Monday, March 21, 2016

¿Dónde está Trump?

I tuned into FOX today, muted, I saw stage, American flags people sitting in chairs having a discussion hosted by Hannity it seemed and Perry holding forth presumably on why Cruz is candidate most reasonable to choose. Turned it off.

Later checked Fox and saw the same stage with Fiorina holding forth presumably on why Cruz is most reasonable candidate.

And I thought something so rude you would think less of me for relating it. But the fact is, it was something a woman said that had me laughing so hard because it came from a woman. You just don't hear that kind of talk from ladies and that's why she makes a fine lawyer.

I had a Trump Jones. Then I thought media realized they're stoking the flames and putting profit aside for the best of the country they had better stop feeding the dragon. Strangle it of oxygen instead. That's what it seemed like enduring the dearth of Trump today.

Then I checked to see how to spell Hannity and top of results "TUNE IN: Trump Talks 'Professional Disruptors' with Hannity in Full-Hour Special on Monday" and there went my whole theory.


Methadras said...

I gotta say this but Hannity is a douche. I like him, but he's still a douche.

deborah said...

Not a Hannity fan.

chickelit said...

Then I thought media realized they're stoking the flames and putting profit aside for the best of the country they had better stop feeding the dragon.

That will last about a week or so.

chickelit said...

...and there went my whole theory.

It wasn't your "whole theory"... you were talking about St. Megyn taking a break from Trump. Not Hannity.

Chip Ahoy said...

My new theory formed from Trump depravation. I've been reading things about media people regretting covering Trump so much. They're self-aware their thrill over coverage is leading to something they all definitely don't want. It felt today like they wised up and acted on it, but I am wrong. We political disruption types are junkies addicted to political disruption. It has its corollary in our love of storms and the sound of things flying around and smashing up. They'll talk about disruption tomorrow, gnashing of teeth, people acting up and so forth. That should satisfy us junkies. For that day.

deborah said...

Chip, many may pull back, but Hannity is a supporter.

Related, today Krauthammer said he would vote for a third party.

edutcher said...

So he wants Hillary.

We saw the same in '08.

Hannity can be a cheerleader when he wants to be.

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

Trump losing to Hillary in Utah? Yikes. (see hotair)

How on earth are people lining up to vote for her? As obnoxious as Trump is, I really do not understand. I suspect too many Americans buy into the media-Hollywood picture that she's just a poor victim of the VRWC.

I guess Comedy Central is a Hillary super PAC. She's a criminal, and no one seems to care.

Meade said...

"She's a criminal, and no one seems to care."

But is she really? Has she been given due process and convicted of a crime?

The opposition tried the same tactic against Scott Walker here in Wisconsin (see mahal, garage). It made the opposition feel good about themselves but in the end only benefitted Scott Walker politically.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trump losing to Hillary in Utah? Yikes.

Things aren't always what they seem What could go wrong? Gee I wonder.

How about we go back to the method that seems to have less fraud potential. Paper ballots and a pencil or pen. The internet of everything, including elections, is just ripe for hacking and fraud. People can hack into your refrigerator if they want to. Jeez.

Mormons in Utah are going to go for anyone but Trump because the Mormon Elders tell them to do so and they do what their cult leaders...I mean Church Elders tell them to do. If they are going to vote for Trump, they sure aren't going to say it publicly.

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

Did Scott Walker set up a private server and use it to stuff Walker family foundation coffers?

The doubt about Hillary's criminality is a farce. she is a criminal by the very fact she set up a private server to begin with. It starts and ends right there.

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

Leftists are liars, Meade. I know that might not feel right, but they are.

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

People will move to Hilary because of the media and hollywood. Had any R set up a private server while at a high level position in our government, the media prosecution and shaming would have been enough to take him/her out.

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

Painting the leftist Walker witch hunt with the same brush as Hillary's actual criminal behavior shows us how far we've fallen as a nation.

It's all optics now. Truth, law, and justice are meaningless.

ricpic said...

"People will move to Hillary because of the media and hollywood."

Remains to be seen. I'm fairly confident that the thugs presently harassing the Trump rallies will have the opposite effect i.e. they will fuel the backlash against Soros/Hillary/Obama lawlessness in "the country class," which is Trump's base. And if you say the thugs are not the media or hollywood, the media is helpless in the face of conflict, especially violent conflict, the media is drawn to it and gives it prominence over everything else. So the thuggish assaults on Trump rallies and Trump supporters will become the media. At least in the minds of millions. Same with the lightweights of hollywood who won't be able to conceal their wholehearted support of thuggishness. A giant turnoff to the despised Middle Americans.

Meade said...

"Did Scott Walker set up a private server and use it to stuff Walker family foundation coffers?"

That's my point — if you ask the garage mahals, the answer is yes, only the family foundation is named Koch, not Walker. But due process occurred and it turns out there were no charges against Walker, no indictment, no conviction. Therefore, not guilty. Now, back to work.

"It's all optics now. Truth, law, and justice are meaningless."

In other words: it's just not fair.
I agree — it isn't fair. But I disagree with the tactics you're employing in the Politics of Fairness. Rather than complaining that it's not fair, let me suggest asking "how is that fair?" because it appeals to reason rather than emotion. Appeal to emotion is what the anti-Trump protesters are doing. It's what the Wisconsin protesters did 5 years ago. It's self-indulgent and self-defeating.

"People will move to Hilary because of the media and hollywood."

Some will, maybe. But most won't. Instead, voters like me might move to Hillary because, ultimately there won't be enough functional difference between Clinton and Trump. So then the question for small fed. government guys like me will be: which presidency will lead to a stronger, better, re-formed legislature to counterbalance the executive? It just might be that 4 years of President Hillary will bring more conservative liberals, libertarians, and free marketers into Congress in time for a President Paul or Ryan, Cotton, or Sasse in 2020.

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

4 Years of Hillary will do none of those things. The bargaining stage is also the delusional stage.

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

We are no longer a nation of laws when we are governed by optics. We are no longer a nation of justice when the media engineer who must obey the law and who is allowed skirt the law.

(eh - gotta get to work)

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

Perhaps 4-8 years of the Crime family back at the helm will even it all out and make it all emotionally simpatico and balanced again.

Or - crack pipe.

Amartel said...

Those darn Mormons, they're in a cult.

William said...

I can imagine two very bad scenarios. In the general election, Trump goes the way of Christine O 'Donnell and gets trounced. Alternately he gets elected and governs in the way of Jesse Ventura......I would vote for Trump over Hillary, but he's a high risk candidate on every level in every dimension. They say that God looks out for drunks and Americans so maybe things will work out alright. I have more trust in Trump than I have in his media critics. That's about the most compelling reason I can think of to vote for him.

Amartel said...

Hannity's an earnest lad in his 50s. Which is a bit weird to watch.
He's the only major player at Fox who isn't anti-Trump. He's trying to keep his audience.

Meade said...

In Trump We Trust.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Trump losing to Hillary in Utah? Yikes. (see hotair)

Don't hold your breath on that one (even HotAir isn't - they realize the party will come together once Rinse&Co capitulate).

The same poll has Bernie doing even better, which makes me think they're playing games with the numbers.

If you're a Mormon in UT, there's no such thing as out of work because of something called Deseret Industries, a cross between the Salvation Army and Goodwill. You need something to do, the LDSers get you a place there, so Bernie would have very little attraction in UT.

As for Hillary, April ignores anything that upsets her apocalypse, including all those articles about Hillary's problems with every demographic known to man.

Of course, the idea the One True Ted would get smeared even worse is one that never enters her head.

edutcher said...

Something else. Mitt is cutting anti-Kasich robocalls in UT, so the One True Ted may fall short of 50% once again.

Unless, of course, Dr Evil's vote counters do what's expected.

chickelit said...

If were Utahian, I'd vote for Kasich. He's the most Mitt-like one.