Wednesday, January 6, 2016


This post is about pointing, not about Obama.

An oddity, and that's all. My earlier self made myself laugh again. And my way earlier self had his hands swatted down for pointing. "Stop pointing!" When I'd point out the incredibly fat lady crossing the street, "Wow! Look how FAT she is." Raising children must be nerve wracking.

So, no pointing allowed. It's the most rude of all things. You will be swatted.

Then in sign pointing really is a basic way to have things be perfectly clear and we point all over the place. Coming at it from English we resist that, instead we learn to say the word, subject,  "I" with the letter "i" held to the chest and that's different from the object "me" pointing to your own chest, a distinction without a difference in a language of movements.  Doing that marks your way of speaking as coming from English because the "I" is dropped in favor of pointing for the idea of self as both subject and object. It's perfect. And the other way is more precise English.

So, pointing allowed and encouraged for clarity. And it's not so easy overcoming the not pointing rule ingrained by spontaneous slapdowns.

This guy down here, who could really be anyone, is pointing to a specific person, possibly a child or person of equal status, journalist or most likely of all a photographer, in a friendly way, as "Oh, yoooooou" a cheeky sort of friendly acknowledgement.

I was idly checking out stats on a 3rd party site that tracks a few infinitesimally trafficked blogs where I stuff random things as a scrapbook. I wonder, who's looking at that crazy crap? What is this guy from France looking at? Curiosity only. It says, "Obama point." As if someone else did it, Having forgotten, I examined what the guy did with the hand and the sleeve as separate layers and adjusted separately and laughed all over again.

That's a pretty good effect with only three layers. 

Very few people look and even fewer say anything over there but someone remarked 3 and 1/2 years ago: I see you got commissioned to do the new ad for ObamaCare's prostate exam benefit.

Man, what a bunch of pervs. Sir, I don't think doctors dig around that much. 


AllenS said...

He's trying to pick my nose! Yuck!

bagoh20 said...

"You didn't build that."

Steg said...

One time I got to go to a Yankee game in NYC on the break day of a film I was working on with folks from the movie. After a series of problems, we got into our chairs around the 5th inning, settled in with beer and hot dogs. I was next to one of the main actors, and we were checking out girls.

I saw one I thought highly attractive, he said, "where?", I pointed.

He said,"WTTTFFF are you doing man, she'll see you!" to which I responded, "GOOD! I want her to know I like her."

edutcher said...

Well, he is rude and an ignoramus when it comes to manners.

bagoh20 said...

Pointing never bothers me, and what about that thing politicians and celebrities do when they go on stage and start pretending to point at friends in the crowd. I assume that's usually fake, but nobody considers it rude.

The thing I really can't stand is that stupid pointing with the thumb thing that some political consultant came up with a couple decades ago and that is done by everyone now in speeches. It needs to go away. That gesture should be adopted as sign language for "politically correct" or perhaps "pussy", but i suppose there already is one for both.

Amartel said...

The Obama gesture tic I can't stand is the hand on the shoulder, like he's ratifying/guiding. Attention: This person is Obama-approved and/or Senile. It also demonstrates dominance. He does it all the time in photo ops when the handled person can't do anything about it.

Amartel said...

The pointing thing is a rock star trick adopted by other celebrities, then by politicians. Clinton did it all the time. Makes the person relatable to people in big crowds. There's another type of pointing adopted by jihadi clerics making videos. They point up when they're really leaning in on an issue. Makes them look like they're channelling their power from God. See, e.g., every Osama bin Laden vid. Obama does both types of pointing. Of course, as the ultimate celebrity politician, he does the rock star point/smile but he also does the jihadi cleric point/scowl, especially during speeches about Republicans and other non-lightworkers. See, e.g., every time he banishes a strawman or lets himself be clear.

bagoh20 said...

He is a professional poseur. The way he walks, talks, and hold himself is practiced and calculated to look confident, calm, and cool. I wish that indicated character and wisdom instead of being all there is to the man - posing. Even his pants pose a crease that melts the beta male.

Chip Ahoy said...

Wow, Amartel, fantastic pointing gesture analysis. I really never saw all those aspects to it but I must say your observations are indisputable.

ricpic said...

Eternally Blind

"It's obvious who's real and who is fake,
It's plain as nose on face!"

"Fool! You are not the race --
Forever making pose for real mistake."

Amartel said...

The point 'n' click presidency.
(For babies who are learning.)
((But still, better than the touchscreen Clinton presidency.))

Amartel said...

Point and Click Games Are Fun for Kidz of All Ages

Amartel said...
