Saturday, January 2, 2016

24 days to Al Gore's 10 'years to save the planet' and 'point of no return' planetary emergency deadline

Anthony Watts reminds on Wattsupwiththat.

Clever boy, we know what he's going to do; compare Gore's dire predictions to actual outcomes and hold up for ridicule.

Goody. That should be a simple list of exaggerated predictions.

On January 25th, 2006 at Sundance screening An Inconvenient Truth Al Gore said,
...a documentary chronicling what has become his crusade since losing the 2000 presidential election: Educating the masses that global warming is about to toast our ecology and our way of life. 
Gore has been saying it for decades, since a college class in the 1960s convinced him that greenhouse gases from oil, coal and other carbon emissions were trapping the sun’s heat in the atmosphere, resulting in a glacial meltdown that could flood much of the planet.
And more Gore words.

Oh. This is longer than I thought. Bummer. I thought it would be simple. Anthony Watts actually treats each item seriously providing graphs and satellite data indicating first that little has changed the intervening ten years with supportive scientific opinion. He continues with a chart of surface records for the last ten years. It's boring and scientific and serious rebuttal ending, "Gaia seems to be a "Gore denier". How inconvenient.

Disappointing. I wanted a list with obvious misses.

Originally the intention was to accompany Gore's story of anthropomorphic CO2 increase leading to climate change to the traveling salesman of elixir in the wizard of Oz, also the wizard in Dorothy's dream, who awards the protagonists with things they already possess.

And instead of finding that clip of the salesman, the bogus wizard, I found one of John Ritter as Frank Baum recalling his inspiration for that salesman character, and inspiring himself to "sell" his fiction to eager accepting children. It's beautiful. It's a great idea. This is how I leaned to write essays for school, by telling my story first to Toni, then just recall what I told her and write that. The organization come with the face-to-face sales pitch. Nice touch at the beginning of the clip of having the real life salesman who inspires Baum to sell his story and by doing inspires the character of the elixir salesman within it. Baum himself who learns how to do it, and Gore for different reasons, are the same people doing the same thing. Fine, similar types, doing similar things.

Do you think enthralling children with story is so fantastic an achievement? It's not.

You can enthrall a whole church of kids without even trying, just by sending a card to your sister.

You can enthrall the whole lot of FRB employee's children without even trying, in fact by getting out of work, by just by outlining five themed pictures for them to color and end up filling the walls of a whole department space with their visible results for a contest.

Here's an idea that will amaze children. I just thought of it. Children, reliable Democrat voters, same thing. This is easy.

The new story  about "wheat" is told over a few pop-up pages beginning and ending with tractors.

The first page background is an arial view of an expansive field being seeded. Not much to it, Not much to see, lines and tiny tractor pulling an incredibly wide implement. The thing that pop up is a lacy table constructed of birds glued at the wingtips overhead view of birds. Birds flying over the field, maybe geese in formation, and fashioned as a lace table pop-up. A serene scene from above.

The next page is bright green wheat field and the pop-up an astonishingly ugly grasshopper looking right at you.

The third page mature wheat with a birds pecking at seeds and with grasshoppers in their beak.

The fourth page is a ravaged wheat field with destroyed spider web, chopped snake, torn apart field mouse house, broken wheat stalks, busted wheat heads, tire tracks, total destruction like the Crystalline Entity passed over and the background is a line of harvesting tractors disappearing in the dust.

And kids will go, OMG, at the life that farm fields invite, they never thought of that, and the hidden drama inherent in farming.

A story that delights children told with no profit motive, the only thing that is different. Children and children within us are very easy to amuse.


WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Is Gore going to pass out suicide pills? While we sleep in bunk beds dreaming of planet Goredom? oh planet Boredom (I mean Goredom), I can see you now. Wisk us away in your private 737.

bagoh20 said...

You know those people who sell everything and go underground to await the imminent end of the world because some self-proclaimed profit told them to. I wonder how many of them fall for that twice. It's some number above zero, and how many fall for it three times?

I don't know it, but there has to be a joke out there about the fact that "profit" and "prophet" sound the same.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

It's been 10 years since An Inconvenient Tooth.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

24 days is not nearly enough time for me to save myself, much less a planet.

bagoh20 said...

Trigger Alert! Macro aggression below:

If we all lean forward and pitch in by killing as many humans as possible in the next 24 days, we might have a chance. You gotta break a few eggs. Lets start with people who use private jets so we can get maximum return per bullet, then we find the vegetarians because farts. May Gaia be with us.

AllenS said...

If Algore offers you kool aide, don't drink it.