Thursday, October 15, 2015

Mac and Cheese guy

Darn, my whole post is blown.

This is video captured of the young UConn student being a complete jerk.

He should have been arrested for showing up in public wearing sweats and socks and those God-awful pool slippers. But no, he was arrested for being a jerk.

Actually, that mack and cheese with bacon and jalapeño sounds really good.

The lad saw the video on Youtube and apologized by video.

Daily News covers the incident.

The original post would be about the guy's attitude being so incredibly cockcertain, the entitlement outrageous. Even drunk, how could he think that acceptable? What precise entitlement allows it to be possible?

His tuition. I would feel entitled too if I or my parents were paying sixty grand a year for education. "Yeah, open the Student Center, Bitch, and get me a mac and cheese, and don't give me any lip about my age and my beer, chop chop."

Then I looked at out of state tuition for UConn and that blew my whole point.


Calypso Facto said...

Right-o. Except, that's not UConn tuition ... THIS is UConn tuition. Feel better?

Calypso Facto said...

Oh and your Mac-n-Cheese-fit link misdirects too? Hope about THIS one?

bagoh20 said...

Buckminster Fuller revolutionized mac and cheese too? I did not know that. That dude was eclectic.

Chip Ahoy said...

Thanks for the corrections. Wow. Out of State $45,000 a year. Yes, I feel better.

Open the Student Center and get me a Mac and Cheese. NOW!

If his parents are paying his behavior is seen as poor parenting. If he is paying his own tuition, then man, is he ever going to have a pile of debt. He has that debt obligation AND the disrespect of mac and cheese attainment barriers. What a bummer. And a police record to boot. Sure he's a punk. But he and his family are being soaked and squeezed big time.

Wealthy people are interesting. He said his family are being abused, the list of abuses is amusing. People who saw the video are quite mean about maintaining good manners. He added people are sending him mac and cheese, as you can expect, his dorm is filling up with boxes and he says we can stop it or redirect it to poor people.

What an impressively arrogant punk. And nobody punched him.

bagoh20 said...

For some people, there really are two distinct personalities: one sober and one drunk. We imagine the drunk one to be revealing some deeper truth, like we do with dreams, but in both cases your brain is just not all there. That's all there is to it. Some people get worse when drunk, and others don't. It's genetic. I think his apology was real, and he probably can't belive he did what he did in the video. His physiology means he has a problem with alcohol that could ruin him. Maybe this embarrassment will save him from that. The fact that he is rich doesn't make him any more guilty unless being poor would exonerate him, and I would never go there.

Methadras said...

Isn't out of state tuition rendered moot now that illegals can pay in-state tuitions wherever they end up?

Methadras said...

By the way, I've only been drunk two maybe three times my entire life and I know that I'm a happy drunk, but I suffered for it afterwards in a way that made me want to die. That is why I rarely if ever drink anymore and when I do, it's just one small drink and that's it. I hate the taste of alcohol, so that helps a lot.

rcommal said...

Isn't out of state tuition rendered moot now that illegals can pay in-state tuitions wherever they end up?
