Saturday, October 17, 2015

10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management

"If your time line were made of concrete, the concrete on the left side of your "today" mark would be rock solid. All the events of your life thus far are cemented into that time line, and there's nothing you can do about any of them.

But as you look out from where you stand today toward the end of your time line, you cant' see any specific events. Nothing is set in concrete. And you need to understand this fact:  The concrete on the right side of your "today" mark is wet, and it doesn't harden until you pass by that point."

-Hyrum W. Smith


Take an arrow and attach a note to it. A note with a goal you would like you achieve in three months' time. Not a big goal. Something manageable. Now shoot the arrow so it lands in the wet cement at the mark of three months from now.

Between now and then, what must be done to meet the goal?


bagoh20 said...

This assumes nothing but wet cement between you and the goal, but there are boulders, and shiny rocks, and squirrels, most especially squirrels.

It's really surprising how rarely we do actually follow a plan toward what we want. It's a rare ability. That's why we need schools, and trainers, and programs written and managed by other people. If we were good at it, nobody would need college, or classes of any kind. We would decide what we want to accomplish, go to the internet and simply search and learn how and then do it. In most areas, you can imagine a pretty simple self-directed program of learning that would be far superior in breadth, detail, concentration, and efficiency compared to a university. Imagine the savings in time and money. The only problem is that very few people would have the self-discipline to carry it out. We need hand-holding, and threats of embarrassment, and risk of financial loss and public failure to keep us going. At least we think we do, and that's enough.

deborah said...

Well said, bago, well said.