Thursday, September 10, 2015

Where we are now.

Tribalism is the state of being organized in, or advocating for, a tribe or tribes. In terms of conformity, tribalism may also refer in popular cultural terms to a way of thinking or behaving in which people are more loyal to their tribe than to their friends, their country, or any other social group.
Tribalism has been defined in engaged theory as a 'way of being' based upon variable combinations of kinship-based organization, reciprocal exchange, manual production, oral communication, and analogical inquiry. Ontologically, tribalism is oriented around the valences of analogy, genealogy and mythology. This means that customary tribes have their social foundations in some variation of these tribal orientations, while at the same time often taking on traditional practices (including through religions of the book such as Christianity and Islam), and modern practices, including monetary exchange, mobile communications, and modern education.
The social structure of a tribe can vary greatly from case to case, but, due to the relatively small size of customary tribes, social life in those kinds of tribes usually involves a relatively undifferentiated role structure, with few significant political or economic distinctions between individuals.
Tribalism implies the possession of a strong cultural or ethnic identity that separates one member of a group from the members of another group. Based on strong relations of proximity and kinship, members of a tribe tend to possess a strong feeling of identity. Objectively, for a customary tribal society to form there needs to be ongoing customary organization, inquiry and exchange. However, subjectively, intense feelings of common identity can lead people to feel tribally connected. The distinction between these two definitions for tribalism - objective and subjective - is an important one because, while tribal societies have been pushed to the edges of the western worldtribalism, by this second definition, is arguably undiminished. A few writers have postulated that the human brain is hard-wired towards tribalism due to its evolutionary advantages, however this claim is usually linked to equating original questions of sociality with tribalism.


edutcher said...

Barry wants us all tribal because divide and rule sounds good.

But the problem in his tribe (the non-whites and the Lefties) hasn't worked out so well.

The white guys, if they remember the One what brung them to the dance, usually win the day.

PS Actually, I think this is all the work of the last Nazi, but Selfie is just his handmaiden.

(insert punchline)

Amartel said...

This tribe thing has worked out so well in the Middle East that they're leaving in large numbers.

Yeah, no. "Tribe" only works as long as it works then it's on to a newer, better tribe. Nothing personal.

Trooper York said...

Hey I don't take it personal. Reality is not personal. When everyone else is living in a tribal society you are a fool if you don't.

The reason why the tribal thing is not working out is because the US is not doing what needs to be done to safeguard our tribe. Bombing the crap out of ISIS and killing them all root and branch.

It is all about tribes. If you don't thing so I have a beautiful row house in Baltimore I want to sell you.

ricpic said...

Believe it or not not that long ago the United States was not tribal, not in the current sense. That's four nots in one sentence. What do I mean? I'm reading Eisenhower by Paul Johnson. Terrific read. As you read it you realize that Eisenhower came out of a world in which one tribe, let's call it the Western European American Tribe, was so dominant that no thought had to be wasted on tribal differences. The cultural norms didn't even have to be considered, they just were. Sure there were some very peripheral tribes but everyone who was anyone in every major sphere of activity was of one and only one ethos. Doesn't mean there weren't bad guys, but even they knew the rules and knew they were breaking the rules. We can't go back to that but a freeze on immigration, much like the freeze from 1924 - 1965, might smooth out the bumps.

Trooper York said...

Don't get me wrong. I am just dealing with the reality of what America is today. Every man for himself. Get yours and screw the rest. So you have to stick with your tribe.

Trooper York said...

Did you know the bureaucrats at the New York City Board of Education want to go into Yeshivas which are Jewish private schools and dictate what is taught there. The Orthodox are the ultimate example of people who tend to their own tribe. They are generally very unpleasant to deal with. But they should have their rights to teach their kids what they want if they can pass the standardized tests. Little Schlomo sure can read and write a whole bunch better than little Trayvon thats for damn sure. But that is not enough for the state. They have to destroy the religious education that these people want for their own people.

They are a strong tribe. One of the strongest with a lot of political power. We have to see if they can withstand the full power of the states boot on their neck.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

Don't get me wrong. I am just dealing with the reality of what America is today. Every man for himself. Get yours and screw the rest. So you have to stick with your tribe.

This is what they want Troop and I have to admit that I'm very attracted to the idea of the "fuck all of you, I'm on my own thank you very much" mentality. Government is worthless, representation even less so, taxation is oppressive, the economy is in the shitter, employment numbers are bullshit, and it goes on and on. Government has grown to an oppressive rate. Nothing is being done to stop and reverse it. It's just all a game, so fuck it.