Sunday, August 2, 2015

Whose that dick?

How about a maddening obscure and cryptic post!

This dick is infamous for something and it is not sneaking into this country in the trunk of a Chevy even though that part is probably true.

It has come to my attention that what he is famous for is happening all over the interwebs these days.

Whose that dick?


Methadras said...

lulz, Carlos Mencia, joke thief.

Trooper York said...

You got it. I hate copycats. Who take someone else's bit and use it as though they thought it up.

That's right I am talking to you!

Methadras said...

Mencia's entire career is joke theft. I don't think he even has an original joke. Shit, his name is even fake like his act. His name is Ned Holness. The whole Carlos Mencia thing was because he came out of the LA comedy scene, so he needed a way to relate to the browns.