Sunday, August 30, 2015

"Pendulum Factor"

Could land Trump in the White House, the title of of an article by Michael Goodwin at New York Post. I react immediately to the headline in my gut and not my head nor my heart. This has got to be stupid. Let's look.

Photo of Trump. Good. It means Goodwin acknowledges the gravitational body that suddenly appeared in the vicinity of the pendulum. If Goodwin places this gravitational body in the Republican area then he does not understand pendulums, gravitational bodies or voters.

The text by paragraph: blah blah, points, blah blah, survey blah blah, magic, blah, blah blah, pollsters, blah, legacy presidents leaves behind blah blah, favorable legacy blah blah, pendulum swung Obama followed Bush blah blah, poll numbers blah, telling example of chasm, blah, Citizen of the world, blah blah, 200,000 gathered blah blah, seven years later things happened, blah blah, Western democracies rattles, blah blah,

Trump is perceived antidote blah blah, new nationalism, blah blah, building wall, blah, getting tough with China, blah,

This guy, Michael Goodwin just barfed everything we already digested bit by agonizing bit, repeatedly, burped farted and pooped weeks ago. Like dogs do. It's the grossest thing they do besides rolling around in other dog's smeary poo, barf and eat it again. Good grief.

I wrote this before looking to see how wrong my gut would be, cutting in as it did before heart and brain.

This vaunted pendulum would rightfully have swung predictably into Republican area for them to do with as they wish but instead swung wildly outwardly away from the whole clock, if this pendulum is inside a grandfathers clock, by new gravitational and magnetic force both repelling and attracting and overtaking predictable momentum. The presence of a dense gravitational field threw off the predictable force on the pendulum, shifted its equilibrium position and altered the direction of swing of its kinetic energy. The farther the pull then the faster the swing and this pendulum is cranked beyond its load bearing capacity, beyond the walls of its clock box, so its return swing is faster more powerful and curved outward from its natural path.

It's your analogy.

You must account for all forces, chief among them Washington Republican neglect and abuse of its base. I did not notice that mentioned in the blah blahs. The rising palpable observable anger of its base that acted quickly and dramatically even while being thwarted by its own government and not protected in Washington by its own leadership and still produced convincing results but is ignored when it's not being fought in hand-to-hand combat with Washington Republican leadership. Republican leadership in Washington ignored and fought with its base and prevailed in some cases by shifting resources to unwanted candidates. They resurrect the slain candidates to ensure continuing vexation. The classic mistake of telling their base how things will be done instead of following the orders from their base, the mistake a thing makes of switching its reflection, switching metaphors now from pendulum to mirror, the mistake Washington Republicans made repeatedly is that of a flat reflection, the two-dimensional representation in a mirror regarding itself as the real thing and demanding itself be reflected out there in three-dimensional world that animates it. Shame too that it's come to this, Republicans have an excellent bench, too bad it assembles this late, they insisted on blowing off wild successes given them, seeing for themselves entire regions shift red and racking up those successes as natural forces at work on passively pre-activated  "pendulum factor."


chickelit said...

Chip, I just went back and added a "pendulum" tag to an old post of mine from last fall. Thanks

edutcher said...

This thing is very generational.

People went for Jack Kennedy on nothing but his "charisma". They also went for Ol' Bucketmouth because he promised everybody he would nevah tell a lah.

That worked so well we had 8 years of Reagan and 4 of Bush 41 to recover, followed by 8 of Dubya.

Willie's inherent Leftism was checked by people like Bobby Rubin and Dick Morris, so that he didn't upset the apple cart (it seemed) all that much or there never would have been His Poutiness.

Now, it will be interesting to see how fed up people are and how much vote fraud the demos can get away with. If The Donald is the nominee, I don't think it will be very much.

ricpic said...

The support for Trump is an anti-elite explosion. It doesn't matter that Trump, should he be elected, will disappoint. The point is that every elite/establishment position is SO INSANE that ordinary people are filled with revulsion and possessed by the need to deliver a walloping blow to the inside the buttercup focks.

rcocean said...

Chip your ability to read chicken shit and turn it into a delightful chicken salad of words is amazing.

chickelit said...

This vaunted pendulum would rightfully have swung predictably into Republican area for them to do with as they wish but instead swung wildly outwardly away from the whole clock, if this pendulum is inside a grandfathers clock, by new gravitational and magnetic force both repelling and attracting and overtaking predictable momentum.

Suppose instead that it's a Foucault pendulum which swings free in space while the earth turns under it. That would make right become left and vice versa without the pendulum ever having to "swing wildly away."

rhhardin said...

Houseflies use pendulums as gyroscopes.

This particularly applies when there's a pile of shit nearby.