Friday, July 17, 2015

You want to see invisible pal....I got your invisible right here!

Sue Richards (the Invisible Girl) Reed why are you still on the computer? When are you coming to bed?
Reed Richards: I was just trying to email Victor. I still want to see if we can become friends. If we can salvage our friendship.
Sue Richards: Victor? Victor Von Doom. But he is a super villain Reed. Your mortal enemy. He wants to destroy you. Ever since college he has been jealous of you. Why would you want to contact him?
Reed Richards: You don't understand Sue. We had collaborated on so many projects. People marveled at our posts and comments on our scholarly papers. People were entertained by our collaborations. But he kept demanding money and contributions. Almost as though he was deserving of tribute. Like some sort of despot. And he is so rich. I didn't understand it. And he tolerated some fools who would post repetitive and abusive screeds on our scholarly works. It besmirched our collaborations to the point that I had to break away and do my own research.
Sue Richards That may be so. But now he only spews hatred and vitriol throughout his writings.  He is almost as bad as that black dude T'Nestle Cooter or whatever his name is. You can’t get him back Reed. Come to bed.
Reed Richards: In a little while Sue.
Sue Richards: Is it because you have been having too much elasticity in little Reed? I mean that happens to a lot of men. Even superheroes. I mean look at Iron Man. He should be called Putty Man cause he sure don’t have any Iron in his pants.I mean he is banging that skinny bitch and she is always sticking stuff up her butt and cleaning her colon or something. Maybe he is into anal or something. I don't understand. I don't understand anything anymore. It is all so very confusing. I mean how did my brother turn out to be black in the latest movie. What's up with that? Com’on I bet you can stretch it out right if you really concentrate. Or you can invent some super Viagra or something.
Reed Richards: Please Sue stop pressuring me!
Sue Richards: Well Mr. Fantastic you better be stretching yourself the way I want or my vag is really gonna get invisible, let me tell you.

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