Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hey I ain't the only one who thinks this way!

A very interesting blog post in Legal Insurrection today. It is about the "Red Pope."

It seems the favor-ability rating of Pope Francis has dropped from 76% in 2014 to about 59% today.

The Gallup poll is quoted as saying:
The drop in the pope’s favorable rating is driven by a decline among Catholics and political conservatives, two groups that have been ardent supporters of the modern papacy. Seventy-one percent of Catholics say they have a favorable image of Francis, down from 89% last year.

Pope Francis’ drop in favor-ability is even starker among Americans who identify as conservative — 45% of whom view him favorably, down sharply from 72% last year. This decline may be attributable to the pope’s denouncing of “the idolatry of money” and linking climate change partially to human activity, along with his passionate focus on income inequality — all issues that are at odds with many conservatives’ beliefs."

The blog post list the advisors that the Pope is listening to in regard to climate change. Including Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga “The ideology surrounding environmental issues is too tied to a capitalism that doesn’t want to stop ruining the environment because they don’t want to give up their profits.”

Conservative traditional Catholics have been the bedrock of the Faith here in America. The people who go to church on Sunday and pay the bills. Who put the money in the collection basket. People like the author of this blog post Leslie Eastman who said: 

"While I am not going to stop being Catholic over these developments, I must admit that donating to the Catholic Church is going to be more difficult. What Pope Francis and his cronies fail to realize is that the core of capitalism is not profit, but choice. Furthermore, choices must be made with real data and information, not manipulated facts supporting an agenda.

Currently, I have decided to adopt a page from progressives for handing contributions to my church: Go local. My donations will be used for parish support only, and none will be directed to papal efforts at promoting bad science and even worse economics."

I guess I am not the only one. I have been taking a lot of hits for being suspicious of this Pope and his agenda. His defenestration of Cardinal Burke was a canary in the coal mine. I guess it will take a little more time for the truth to be revealed. Is this truly a "Red Pope" or am I overreacting? I know I am not the only one who thinks along these lines.


edutcher said...

As I say, I think he's getting a lot of bad advice, but a Pope who is actively disliked by American Catholics (as opposed to the American Church) would have a hard row to hoe.

How much of the Church's money comes from the US as part of the global aggregate?

john said...

There are no windows in coal mines.

john said...

As one who grew up Catholic (lapsed now into Episcopalian) I see the same-old same-old with Pope Francis in that the church's ideology has always been communist. The church lives by money begged, using the guilt-of-having-money foisted on, mostly, the most productive and/or wealthy. Not too much guilt to chase away the benefactors, but enough to be assuageable with regular Sunday contributions.

Aridog said...

Popwe Francis is an marxist asshole, simple as that. Pontiff or not. See? That wasn't hard at all.

Titus said...

While in Fire Island I hung out with a queen who does hair stylings for all Boston movies. She said the Rock has a huge cock and Melissa Mccarthy has been a doll during the filming of Ghost Busters.

I don't normally care about this shit but I felt like such a starfucker hanging out with the stylist to Boston movies.

She wanted to do me but I said no-my hubby was meditating at the time, and me having sex with another man would ruin his third eye.

Titus said...

I also hung out with a gay republican and went to dinner with him while he had a hat on that said, "What about Benghazi"?

He threatened to throw me in the ocean....he was fat, natch.

john said...

I think a bigger problem is with the environmental religion and the slide into pantheism. Or idolatry.

edutcher said...

Well, that explains Titus tonight.

He's all wet.

Chip Ahoy said...

Said the guy in the ridiculous hat. Dude, it's past noon, take off the housecoat and get dressed.

These holier than thou bastards are hard to take. Good thing he's not the boss of me.

William said...

The only intellectuals who are reliably anti-communist are those who grew up in Communist countries. The Church lucked out with Pope John Paul.....The Church, historically, has been wrong about quite a lot of things which is all the more reason to revere its enduring existence.

TTBurnett said...

You can't stop, can you?
Your "mind is fixed," like Milton's Satan.
I think in your case, we can drop Milton.
For my part, all I can do is pray for you and those you lead astray.
There is, in fact, one more thing I can do, not for you, but for myself.
And that is to never have anything to do with you or anyone else here ever again.
Please remove me from your personal blog's members list.

ndspinelli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Methadras said...

CommiePope. I told you guys about him when he was first being considered you know. Anyone out of the Argentinian system with supplication to the poor is Red. Period.

MamaM said...

The common factor for all who partake of the Holy Eucharist, whether commie or not, is the Presence of Christ.

Posts such as this need to be rooted in that reality and begin with that reality in mind.

TTBurnett, I'm sorry to see you leave here and Trooper York's. Your voice mattered and will be missed.

JAL said...

Scientists and Christians and a combination thereof are part of the Cornwall Alliance. They sent a petition to the Pope signed by scientists, theologians, and laypeople appealing for a rational look at and response to "climate change." They are not "deniers" but Christians committed to wise stewardship. One of the things they point out is how many of these "climate change" interventions harm the poor. But the Pope apparently blew their input off.

Catholic, Protestant, agnostic ... the site is worth wandering through. Educational and a bit of fresh air from all the lefty lunacy.

Sorry about the Pope, Troop & other RCs.