Sunday, January 4, 2015

John Cleese

On Stupidity

My opinion is there is not a liberal alive without a giant bug up their ass about FOX News. Gnawing away up there tormenting them endlessly. No comment on politics is possible without such a reference. The ridiculous presupposition is all conservatives watch FOX news, that all conservatives agree with FOX news, that FOX news hasn't any liberal point of view on it. And further that FOX News forms opinion rather than reflect viewer preference. That tells me their news sources do form their own opinions revealing their own habits and thought process, otherwise they would not care. I have never seen anything like it. Just today without seeking any liberal point of view at all, because I don't want it one single bit, I was nevertheless presented with this same position at least six times. 

While the rock bottom pit of outright blatant stupidity MSNBC gets a full pass. As do all the other networks speaking for government and for the Democrat party, They are not even embarrassed by knowing their own media is nothing short of straight up propaganda. They're not embarrassed by their president having his fingers on all the network's buttons, heeding his instructions acting as direct mouthpiece for a president. They do not care about News network's contributions to their party, nor all the other liberal big money contributors they refuse to acknowledge, while simultaneously caterwauling about Citizens United and their ridiculous obsession about "evil" Koch brothers. You would think, I think, they would reject it all on that basis alone, by suspecting they are being played, their emotions toyed, by recognizing it and not having it. And I suppose they are not having it based on plummeting ratings of all of these networks. All of that comes after the assumption that FOX network is being watched by the person(s) being addressed. 

As for myself I find the network unwatchable. But not for the reasons ascribed. I cannot take rushed dialogue combined with stuttering. I just cannot. It's a thing. Not from genuine stutters, that is tolerable, but from well-spoken pundits rushing opinion. Even the Cartoon Network is more clearly spoken than any of the news networks. So that network must come to me in spits and spurts like all of the network news channels, all of television in fact, and all for different reasons. Plus I cannot tolerate remarkably retarded liberals guests on FOX who consistently have their asses handed them but persist in banging on anyway.

Yesterday I observed a portion of a panel discussion on CNN about journalism. A man in the audience asked a question specifically about the splitting of points of view in journalism. The panel member who responded said, "I think you are referring to the phenomena of Murdoch's FOX News."  Then he denigrated the network with a resigned "well, what are you going to do" type of answer. His profound assumption is all audience members and all panel members agree with him. Another panel member wasn't letting him get away with that unchallenged by saying he thinks differing points of view are useful for healthy democracy. But it was the way the first panel responder reinterpreted the question about journalism in general to express his obsession of FOX News specifically that revealed he lives with an embarrassingly tormenting gnawing ass-bug. I clicked off in disgust. So, there went the rest of the questions and answers.

Most unseemly.

It is the shibboleth that says outright, "I AM A PERFECT IDIOT." A position that is always stated and never defended. Why? Because they cannot. All they have are the snippets lifted for ironic juxtaposition on Jon Stewart. They have no real position to argue other than FOX New is stupid. Guess what. You're stupid. 

I am shown the FOX News tormenting ass-bug regularly. Every single day. It emerges perfectly non-sequitur. It is part of any and all argumentation. It is foremost in every liberal's mind. I suffered a real hemorrhoid one time so I know the discomfort, but the Fox News ass-destroyer is permanent. It destroys their positions. It makes funny people lose their humor, as Cleese suddenly becomes not funny, rather, disturbed in a ridiculous way. I am certain Cleese imagines that hilarious. What does Cleese want, every news network to sing the same tune? There is a word for that and the word is not complimentary to open democracy nor useful for honest and open debate.

There is a way to denigrate and still be funny but not when your ass is tormented. Today I watched a comedian who was making everyday observations about how people speak and behave. He talked about things any atheist would find hilarious, how people pray, what they pray for, the ridiculous circumstances of their prayer. He had his audience in stitches pretending to deliver a grace prayer for a fast-food meal.

"Lord, please bless this meal we are about to partake and nourish our bodies.... somehow." *audience laughter* "Somehow magically change this Coca Cola to nutritious liquid on the way down."  *Laughter* "Like, magically change the molecules as they're going down there to our stomachs from fat and sugar molecules to something healthy." *Audience is dying in laughter.* "So that we can continue to eat junk food and still have it be nutritious."  It took me too long to realize I had landed on a Christian channel.

Among many things he talked about how some Christian phrases are overused.

"The Lord gave this song." *Assumes pious pose* "And then she sings." *Audience laughs* He makes squealing high-pitched series of non-musical sounds. *Audience laughs* "Maybe you should give the song back." *Audience in hysterics*

He talks about observations that bug him, his family, being a father, his community, without offending anybody at all. They accept his criticism and his wry observations because the whole bit is so amusingly set out.

But not so with the Fox News ass-destroyer bug. Not once have I heard an amusing routine. It is entirely possible to produce one, but you have to be familiar with the material first, and they are not familiar with the material. All they now is they don't like that FOX gets the highest cable ratings, and they sense it is destructive to their many causes. They lost their humor entirely.

But this is all so wearisome and so common. How about something completely different, something amusing instead? Here is a curve ball. A diversion, as to erase the white board of all that up there.


edutcher said...

And you thought Lefties liked dissent.

Unknown said...

Excellent, chip. You've nailed it.

Unknown said...

The left hate Fox News because in the cable rating wars - People tune in and watch Fox News more than the other democrat media industrial complex White House copy reading networks.

That drives the left nuts. Free speech, differing opinion and dissent drives the left bonkers up a tree mad screaming into the lunatic asylum.

Funny I no longer have cable and I don t' watch Fox news either. I cannot - unless I'm at the gym. But indeed I am accused to watching it. Whatever. let the left choke on their totalitarian anti-free speech obsessions.

Unknown said...

btw- the photo of the democrat media industrial complex bowing before Stalin or Lenin or whoever that is - brilliant.

William said...

There was a feint at Hollywood, but Fox received the tip of the foil. And, of course, what he's saying about people being too stupid to know that they are stupid has some application to himself......."Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition". Nobody expects Napoleon either. One of Napoleon's stated reasons for his invasion of Spain was the overthrow of the Spanish Inquisition. Over the course of several centuries, the Spanish Inquisition killed about five thousand people. Napoleon killed that many before breakfast on a good day. So far as diabolical torture goes, you should read about what the French troops did to Spanish guerrillas and vice versa.......Nonetheless, Napoleon remains the Enlightenment on horseback and the Spanish Inquisition the dark night of humanity......I don't knock the talent of Cleese and the Monty Python writers, but there are worlds undreamed of in his jokes. Do you think it even possible for a British intellectual to make fun of Beatrice Webb's many vapid ideas with half the savagery directed at Margaret Thatcher?

Unknown said...

Clearly we need to remove Fox News from the air. It is much too disturbing for high minded progressive neo-totalitarians. It's a threat to humanity and human dignity. Off with its head.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I think it interesting that the smart/dumb divide is so massively common in our popular culture. It is, after all, hardly the only way to form affiliative/antagonistic relationships.

I think it was George Bernard Shaw who said that there are two kinds of people in the world: Those who continually classify the whole of the world's population into two distinct parts, and those who do not.

That's pretty clever.

bagoh20 said...

At the risk of seeming arrogant, I must establish that I'm well aware of my stupidity, and still, it is no consolation at all.

virgil xenophon said...


LOL, you stole the very term I was prepared to use: "Nailed it."

BTW, FWIW you might enjoy the following vignette which demonstrated the sense of intellectual and moral superiority that lefties wrap themselves in: Circa 1995 I used to frequent a neighborhood bar just oppo Tulane university wherein I used to enjoy verbal combat with lefty students--especially the feministas in their grunge uniform flouncy flower-print skirts and Doc Marten boots. One, with whom I regularly spared, gave me the classic back-handed compliment one evening: "I don't understand why you're a conservative, you actually say some intelligent things sometimes." LOL! THIS from an undergrad who hasn't even graduated yet to a PhD! (and she knew I was a PhD as well!) Simply amazing! The sense of innate superiority held by your typical leftist knows ABSOLUTELY no bounds!

chickelit said...

"Cleese" is the olde English plural form of "closure."

chickelit said...

I'm wondering aloud if the expression "nailed it" goes back to Martin Luther.

Unknown said...

Snide subtle anti-free speech remarks from European ivory tower dwellers in the acting profession.

Piss off. My opinion of Cleese dropped enormously.

Virgil-- You tell a timeless tale. Lefties, when you can actually get them to shut up about Koch brothers and Fox News, often agree with basic concepts and tenets of free markets, free speech, a small reigned in government. But that all goes poof because conservatives are all stupid and evil, dontcha know.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I'm wondering aloud if Fox is a stand-in for the stern uncool parent role, one of my very young nephews says "I'm this close to disliking you".

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

There is sometimes one parent that the kid knows as reliable... when the other parent is likely to say no.

Liberals, for the most part, strike me as the adulthood procrastinators.

I was getting procrastinators and prevaricators crossed up.

Prevaricator is harsher.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I get annoyed watching Fox sometimes. But I think it's a good thing.

virgil xenophon said...


a great discussion of this "moral certainty" of the left is to be found and the blog "Lead And Gold." here and here and here

ricpic said...

Hey John, you feel like (in your own words) a stranger in Londonistan? That's the result of the complete victory of your enlightened view of humanity. Everyone's the same and damn those Paki-bashers, right, John? Well now you can eat it, John, every last bitter bight.

rcocean said...

Actually, Cleese, like most liberals, does want more than one point of view. He want there to be a left POV, and an even more left POV.

-NR and the Nation
-The Independent and the Guardian

And so on. But anything to the Right is just "Hate speech".

Unknown said...

Thanks Virgil - though provoking stuff. Like this...

"...Why do journalists love twitter and hate blogging?
Two additional points:

On Twitter, ideas succeed [not] on their merit but on their instant appeal.

"The Twitterverse is dominated by people who refuse to heed Mencken’s warning that “There is always an easy solution to every human problem--neat, plausible, and wrong.”

Maybe I should tweet Mecken’s quote as a warning three times a day. "


Good idea.

Unknown said...


rhhardin said...

Prof Richard Epstein lays into Obama for incredible incompetence, skip to 48 minutes in to 56 minutes in. "A national disgrace."

Though the whole podcast is interesting, as are all recent Law Talk episodes.

ken in tx said...

I wish we really did have a conservative/libertarian news channel that like what the progs think Fox News is. A channel that would ridicule and mock their spokesmen and apologizers 24/7. And totally disrespect the progressives invited on air to be embarrassed.

Fox News is too wimpy.