Thursday, November 20, 2014

Bill Cosby: "There is no response"


chickelit said...

Spelling "responce" like that makes Cosby sound French. Do you really want to do that?

Trooper York said...

Sorry pudding pop but the knives are out for you.

chickelit said...

This country surely does reap what it sows, doesn't it?!!

[that was a comment by Ritmo in another thread in another post but my response belongs here]

I agree. And here is perhaps where I differ from fellow conservatives: The problem isn't the border. The border was more porous years ago. Hell, there wasn't really as big a need for it then. And why not? Because there were far fewer receptive employers here then. There weren't queues at Home Depots and willing employers rounding them up and incentivizing more.

People need to stop asking Government to solve the problem by erecting a higher wall and start asking Congress and local governments to enforce existing laws and repeal laws which enabled employers to bring this about. And you can start asking yourself how you've helped or hurt the problem.

Particularly business owners

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Fixed, thanks.

Amartel said...

Selective media witch hunt lacks due process safeguards for the accused. So, no shit there is no response.

Shouting Thomas said...

Set up just like a bowling pin...

To quote the Grateful Dead.

ndspinelli said...

It does not look good for Cosby. But, I have said this before. Cosby would stay @ the Drake Hotel when in Chicago. I met the man, and it my brief exchange found him down to earth and a nice guy. The maids told me he always tipped a C note[early 80's] and he even tipped the elevator operators[remember those days?]. That does not mean he is innocent. Just giving some very limited info I know. I also know we all have a dark side. That's how I made my living.

edutcher said...

Again, Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, Cos.

20 years from now, it will be a list of Hispanic names.

I'm sure the Lefties would love to start an Ernst, Love, Palin progression, too.

Trooper York said...

Have you ever seen "Mad Men?" Did you see the behavior that was considered normal then? Everybody smoking at meetings or at their desk or just walking in the hall. Every office had a bar and the first thing people did when they walked in an office was to pour a drink. The secretarial pool was looked at like a game preserve for the ad men. That was how it was then.

What Cosby did twenty years ago was par for the course. If a young actress wanted a gig she had to put out. It was true for Harry Cohn and David Selznick and was true for the Puddin Pops!

It still goes on today. The only difference it is that it is the dudes who have to put out for the gays. There is a scandal going on right now in Hollywood about underage males forced to do producers if they want a gig. There is nothing new under the sun.

Get over it. As a famous rapist once said "You should put some ice on that."

Amartel said...

It's a happy day in leftyland. They're king is going full tilt AND they've finally found a black man they can discriminate against.
Win win!

Leland said...

they've finally found a black man they can discriminate against.

Did you miss the attacks on the NFL players? 2 black men already drummed out of their jobs before Janice decided to talk about something decades ago.