Monday, October 6, 2014

Biden giraffe

Other people noticed this, not me, Biden is a regular giraffe machine. They actually lock him up during important times like critical elections because everyone knows he's going to reliably step in it. Giraffes step in it a lot because their eyes are way up there. Everyone goes, "Oh, that's just Biden. Whatever clumsiness is a function of great height and that's why they call his sayings Biden giraffes.


Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Poor Joe, he is just trying to help his boss who made a big rare mistake, gaff, of his own.

Like saying on camera that although he, Obama, was not going to be on the ballot this upcoming November, his policies were.

It was like one of those fumbles reminiscent of Kerry's "I was for it before I was against it" and way back, Michael Dukakis riding the tank with a helmet and a tie.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

It seems like every election, when there is going to be a party switch, something like this happens.

It's as if the inevitability of something that has not yet happened starts speaking through the words and actions of the people who are going to be most negatively impacted by it.

I guess you could call it unseen hand guiding things... but I'm not going to call it that ;)

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

If I sound optimistic, don't let that fool you.

The Brady Patriots won big tonight and the Royals kingly heralds of young bats in Kansas City have won me over with their superb baseball play.

I'm buoyed though still keenly aware that it could turn.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Before Bush 41 lost to Clinton, he looked at his watch at the debates, appearing like he was late for something more important.

Jimmy Cater, debating Reagan, brought up his teenage daughter Amy as his arms control advisor.

Those are just the ones I remember.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I guess I'm cautiously optimistic that if Ruth Bader decides to retire before Obama leaves office Obama is not going get to just ram thru her carbon copy.

How do you ram thru a carbon copy you ask? That's a good question.

First you sign on Harry Reid and he takes it from there.

edutcher said...

Joe was always a jerk.

Hidden in the Senate, you only knew about it if you lived in the Philadelphia area.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The tiny Dogfish Head Brewery is going to have to increase its production and distribution by an order of magnitude to undo the damage Biden's done.

AllenS said...


rcocean said...

Biden Giraffe - clever.

rcocean said...

Biden Giraffe - clever.

Methadras said...

Dammit, I can't unsee this.