Saturday, August 9, 2014

Larry Correia lays some smack-down on NPR

I do so appreciate some Larry Correia snark.  I don't think he could fail to be entertaining if he tried.  However, his smack down of NPR "looking to manufacture some outrage" over the under-representation of Hispanics in film is not precisely *funny* which makes me think that Correia just might be slightly, actually...  annoyed.
 "When NPR says that some of the Latin actors aren’t “easily recognizable” that means that they aren’t conforming to accepted liberal suburban Ivy League stereotypes. NPR wants Latinos to play beaners in sombreros, hotel maids, or gang bangers… "

When NPR bases their argument on the fact that Jennifer Lopez is not easily recognizable as Hispanic in a movie, you know they've thoroughly jumped the shark.   OTOH, you probably already knew that, seeing as we're talking about NPR here.

Larry Correia fisks NPR.

Especially mindboggling... the part where NPR complains that Zoe Saldana played the part of a black person in Star Trek.

More Larry... as I said, he's a compulsively funny guy, but I think he's just a wee bit P.O.'d too.
"Yes, Latinos, NPR just called you stupid. How DARE you enjoy movies and be entertained? You should totally boycott them to salve some white suburban liberal’s white guilt!
Annoying twits put their perpetual outrage ahead of their enjoyment. Everything has to be filtered through their obnoxious white guilt. Meanwhile the rest of planet Earth is throwing piles of money at a movie with a sentient tree and a talking raccoon."


Unknown said...

The left have turned into tribalist obsessive weirdo's.

Unknown said...

We should all be required to wear skin shade ethnicity compartmentalization victim status detectors that correspond with the left's white guilt industrial complex apparatus.


ricpic said...

La Raza: No peace

NPR: Until all whites

La Raza: Are driven

NPR: Out!

Unknown said...

I have no idea why anyone goes to movies anymore. That includes this weird insatiable demand from "the rest of the world" to watch our trash.

Nuke Hollywood.

ndspinelli said...

There are still good movies made. They're not in the megaplex theatres. You have to do your homework. Go to blake's blog, he's a great resource.

ndspinelli said...

He's on BlogSpot, bitmaelstrom.

Unknown said...

Thanks, nd.
My desire to see movies gets weaker every day. And I don't want to be saved.

I'm sure there are good indie films that I will miss. In any case - the big productions are all Harvey Weinstein and he supports the Clintons.

I refuse to support that.

ricpic said...

I just saw a movie called Boyhood, which got tremendous write-ups. Meh. Plus there's the standard hit on an evil white racist Republican voter - okay, it's only a few seconds out of the two hour movie but it was a to hell with this moment for me - which is automatically included in every "serious" film nowadays. The hit was cartoonish, comically broad. But maybe people have been conditioned to respond like Pavlov's dogs?

Unknown said...

the standard hit on an evil white racist Republican voter
These film-makers thread that stuff throughout every film they make. Even films that have nothing to do with politics.

You cannot escape the propaganda. It's often subtle, but it is always there, draped over everything. No wonder so many people believe the cartoon caricature.

I'm over it.

Unknown said...

Don't get me started on Oliver Stone.
The fat cat capitalist who delivers lies to the masses then ends his day at his high end NY apartment where the walls are graced with delightful images of Mao.

Unknown said...

btw- excellent post, Synova. Satisfying to know Larry Correia delivered a satisfying and truth-brimming over fisk.

ndspinelli said...

April, Here's a top of the head list of movies the last few years, some major studio, some not. Bernie, American Hustle, Argo, Moneyball, Seven Psycopaths, Cedar Rapids. The flick, A Most Wanted Man gets good reviews, but I've not seen it yet.

ndspinelli said...

Oliver Stone is a coke addled idiot.

Unknown said...

Argo was not that great. (I rented it)
The depiction of events was not accurate. It was also the Jimmy Carter rehabilitation movie.

I admit, my political antennae are too sensitive.

All the left have to do is change once small fact into a lie and the entire picture is changed into propaganda.
They did that with that most recent movie about the civil war. (I forget the name)

Some Seppo said...

Don’t worry, you let leftists run things long enough and eventually they make everybody wear these super helpful armbands for easy identification.

Oh no he di'nt!

ndspinelli said...

Yeah April, you're like Trooper and Catholicism! IIRC they took a shot or two @ Carter in the dialogue. "A chip on the shoulder is no way to go through life, young woman" he said in a faux didactic tone.

Synova said...

Well... I'm rather looking forward to the sentient tree and talking raccoon. :)

We were supposed to go today for a "mass family outing" but decided we had to put it off for another week or so. Even with one kid in another state, that many tickets at once gets to be significant.

I've never thought much of any of the "this is thoughtful and good for you" movies anyway, but I like the action/thriller and comic book ones... like Guardians of the Galaxy... so I'm not giving up on Hollywood. I see "Lionsgate" on something and I'm all squee, goodie! Because it's probably got monsters and heroics and stuff.

ampersand said...

Nothing new. Years ago when Siskel and Ebert were reviewing movies, one made a complaint about a lack of Latinic or Hispano representation in some kid movie. Of course the only diversity on that show was fat and bald.

BTW Hollywood has always had hispanos and latinics represented since the silents, and many were huge stars.

Also Anthony Quinn who was and looked
Mexican ,never played a Mexican.
Who should we complain to?