Sunday, February 9, 2014

Transformers: the Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

by Matthew Reinhart

I had this on preorder months ago, there were no reviews no videos, I almost made one but didn't because the book is not among my favorites. Everything is pull tabs, mostly, and Transformers are not one of my things. I don't follow their story nor do I know their names. I'm glad I held off and didn't review or make a video because now I notice people have time to get the book and chime in and they love it a lot more than I do, they know what they are talking about, they see things that I do not, and they do much better at reviewing than I could have, and that made me take another closer more appreciative look at my own copy. 

I admit, it is remarkable. My strong preference though is for things to happen by themselves when the page is opened. I just do not care for the pull tabs. I break them. Always did. They tend to get stuck. Although I've never seen anything quite like this. 

Reviewers rate the book highly. They remark they find it a very good price too, but there again I found it a bit steep. Amazon.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Realizing that I know next to nothing about the Transformers, except perhaps that they are things that turn into robots or vice versa, I remembered this kid's toy from the 1960s that was an instamatic camera that turned into a pistol.

It was part of the James Bond craze, I think.

Anyway, I asked myself, "Gee, I wonder if that thing exists only in my memory or does it exist on teh intertubes?"

It took me much less time to find it than it did to type out this painful, two-fingered comment. LINK.

Chip Ahoy said...


I had a plastic watch that came off its wristband and turned into a robot. ebay I had a couple of them. They break easily. One accidental smash into a wall and it's all over.

deborah said...

At first I thought the pic was of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Megazord, which was formed by snapping together the the zords of the each ranger. E.G., the Pink Ranger was a pterodactyl zord.


deborah said...

Bat, neato!