Sunday, October 20, 2013

Why do people toss shoes to tangle on telephone wires?

I say to pretend for a moment you are a gaucho with a bola, that's why. To punk your little brother thus affecting your mastery over his foot-related discomfort.  I don't know.

* Australia means lost virginity
* for bullying purposes
* mafia message to cops about street
* drug dealing
* gang colors mark territiory
* mark the passing of gang members
* signature as graffiti,  "shoefiti"
* art
* used in art to depict urban decay
* mark the passing of life stages
* a form of memory
* world-wide phenomena 
* its become a meme (an idea that's behaves as a virus) 
* made you look
* mark quitting a job (memory) 
* idle mischief regarding old shoes ( memory) 
* street-type people using it as external memory
* leave a mark (communal memory)

There, now you don't have to watch the video. 


Icepick said...

I'm going with "People are stupid, and they do stupid, pointless things."

This actually covers most of the list.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I always just assumed that the shoes were up there to air them out.