Monday, September 2, 2013

Obama I Have a Drone Speech

"The Best Of The Internet’s Reaction To Obama’s Plans To Bomb Syria. The memes are running 10-1 against, Mr. President."

sadieroma said ...
What if I was a Syrian? Living in terror everyday, not one of the lucky ones to get out. Scrounging for food, eating tree bark, and shoe leather like they did in Sarajevo in the early 90’s. I’ve read a lot about that time, and the one constant question was “Why isn’t anybody doing anything?! Why wont the world help us?”


The Dude said...

Really? You want a list of reasons?

Birches said...

I feel bad for the regular people caught up in this mess, just like the regular people in Darfur and Rwanda, and all the other places that have terrible civil wars. But this is not our fight. And it's impossible to pick a side to support, even financially.

john said...

It's Labor day. He can't find an on-duty drone-attack strike force, so he has to use his finger gun.

Can't even get a shoe shine today.

john said...

Bush(es), Obama, and Ford, yes, but I could not find a photo of Reagan with his feet on the desk. Reagan undoubtedly treated the furniture with the respect due to historical value.

Clinton either. (Although he probably had his own reasons to keep his feet on the floor.)

edutcher said...

Barry can't be bothered with real people.

He'll miss tee time.

john said...

It's Labor day. He can't find an on-duty drone-attack strike force, so he has to use his finger gun.

No, that's the closest he's got to manhood.

Mark said...
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Icepick said...

I love the story in the Washington Times about how when Bush was President, Senators Obama, Biden, Kerry and Hagel were all urging Bush to be nice to that reform-minded Middle Eastern ruler, Bashar Assad. We've really got the most feckless and evil men (& women) in charge of this country now, not one goddamned shred of integrity amongst anyone in the Administration, and almost none in Congress.

Icepick said...

JAL, I noticed the foot on the desk, too. I remember that every leftist in the country had a fit the time BOOOOOSSSSHHHHH drank out of a water bottle directly at some summit or another - they thought it was classless. The stupid asses don't have a problem with crap like this though.

OTOH, Obama has shown the sole of his foot to all the rest of us, so why not to the desktop, too?

Methadras said...

People do not see what Urkel is doing and if they do, they still don't get it. This isn't about his red line. This is about Democrats in 2014. Urkel, the leader from behind finally let's his balls drop over the "red line" and send out the now facially deformed Lurch of State to make the case that 428 children have died in sarin gas attacks that apparently no one seems to know the origin point from. Could be the Assad, could be the rebels, could be the Iranians, Hamas, who the fuck knows. But all we know is, children have been gassed to death so instead of taking actual action himself because if all of those children were his son, they'd be Trayvon or some shit like that, he dithers and waffles and says, "oh, I have to go to congress. Surely they will agree with me after 428 CHILDREN have been gassed." Cause after all if they vote no, then those evil republicans hate children and want them gassed. Then afterwards says, "I still have the authority to act unilaterally without congressional approval." Then why get congressional sanction?

2014. Make republicans look bad, period, while making him look not so vaginally discharged. This is what leadership from behind looks like.

Amartel said...

Stop endless war unless it's politically expedient in which case continue endless war.