Monday, August 5, 2013

I just now invented a new face exercise

Right now, this moment.

Shut up, this is how advances are made, so often by accident. That happened just now, don't dismiss it. I can tell by feeling it inside this new exercise can be instrumental in helping victims of Bell's palsy locate their face muscles to activate. And once located to restore the paralyzed side. It will will give a twinge that identifies the place to attempt to affect. That is the trouble with paralysis, you can't even find the muscle to tweek.

Goes like this. You take your two index fingers and make them straight one on top of the other and lay your two index fingers straight across your lips. Then move them apart in opposite directions to distort the mouth. Then holding them apart that way try to form an "o" using face muscles only. It forces every thing to struggle equally. You can more clearly feel all four corners, there are no corners, but you can feel them anyway, and it's a start.

Then reverse it.

The reversal is so abrupt it is shocking on the inside where the muscles strain to form an "o" now reversed, the non-working part even more clearly identified.

My new exercise is a way of pulling all that together. My "try to fix your lips to an 'o' " exercise is better than the regular "strain to hold an 'o'" exercise.

I claim my five pounds.


edutcher said...

Sounds like the Hucklebuck.

Or the Hokey-Pokey

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

And now the world is a better place than it was before.

deborah said...

You recently mentioned your Bell's Palsy, Chip. How did it happen, again?

This really does sound like something you should relate to the medical community. Or do you think it is already out there, and you hadn't come across it?

Chip Ahoy said...


Eye shut, teeth loosened. Wore an eye patch for months. Doc said there seemed to be two versions, one that healed fairly quickly on its own and another that never does, and mine did not lift on its own, and that was a bummer.

But then this old man recently said, what are you doing to your face? It appears to have healed. Plus it has become angular and you appear to be younger. Are you still doing those exercises?

And I thought, no, I'm not doing those, I do not have a program I loyally follow as before, that is dropped, but instead I do those same things    all    day    long.

deborah said...

You are a fighter, that's for sure.

You mean faceplant off a bike?

Chip Ahoy said...

What was weird about that night. The night before in that same spot I was making exaggerated faces in distorted exaggerated imitation of other people.

As you do.

And a very clear image of my grandmother formed in my mind scolding me with the words, "Your face is gonna freeze like that!"

As she does.

And then I mocked that, by exaggerating her saying that.

And the next night in the same spot I took a faceplant and there was blood all over the place, if you would have seen me flapping on the way down trying to grab somethingthere was nothing funny about it.

I did what you're not supposed to do, I cleaned up the blood and went to sleep.

I should have called an ambulance, I was told later, but I didn't think of that.

deborah said...

Amazing coincidence. Yeah, I'm pretty much an ice applier in cases of trauma.

deborah said...

One more thing. When I was five or six, my mom casually said one night, that if I didn't eat my vegetables the Jolly Green Giant would come and stomp on me. I didn't eat my vegetables, so when I went outside I was on the look-out for the Jolly Green Giant.

KCFleming said...

"...a new face exercise"

So has no one here seen Office Space?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

So has no one here seen Office Space?

whooah. wait. what?

You mean ChipA?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

No way Jose.

I don't believe it for a minute.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

As you do. As she does.

I'm not buying it.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I didn't eat my vegetables, so when I went outside I was on the look-out for the Jolly Green Giant.

Oh my.

deborah said...

Pogo, I've seen it twice, but I'm not following.

Lem, I was actually worried :( It's funny now, but that's why I never told that kind of stuff to my kids.

KCFleming said...

See Lem's link re: The "O" face.

Dante said...

This needs a graphic.