Thursday, July 25, 2013

Honeycomb sculptures

I want to take the animated gif down in the comments at Gizmodo, of Opra releasing the bees, but the thing is 2.9M, and that is unacceptable. I could not even reduce it in Photoshop, optimize it to make it worse, that did not work. It has 119 or so frames, mostly Opra hopping up and down. It's great. But way too big. Go there and see if you like, I think the thing is funny. Opra's audience prize is bees!

But the bees themselves featured in the article are not so good as I first thought. I realized,  "Hey! Oh bummer, the sculptures  are already in that shape. I thought the bees were doing it." That would have been something, but no, the bees are  just doing their natural thing. 

The artist, Libertíny,  coats a form with wax and the bees build on top of it. The sculptor provides the shape and encouragement to the bees. But the bees are just, eh, they are not so artistic as that. Oh, they're solid on hexagons alright, but that's it. Give 'em a little beer, a drop of acid,  and they're all over the place. Still. The effect is cool. The comments are as good, they take it as cue to toss out their bee-related  anims.


Titus said...

Chip, you seem kind of hot. Do you have a nice hog.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I placed a jar in Tallahassee,
And round it was, upon a hill.
It made the slovenly wilderness
Surround that hill.

The wilderness rose up to it,
And sprawled around, no longer wild.
The jar was round upon the ground
And tall and of a port in air.

It took dominion every where.
The jar was gray and bare.
It did not give of bird or bush,
Like nothing else in Tallahassee.

The poem says 'Tennessee'
Not 'Tallahassee', but, I firmly believe, as that sculpture stands and George Zimmerman is my witness, Tallahassee would have been better.

Chip Ahoy said...

I have the best hog around. Everybody's grabb'n it all the time. I can't go to a public head without being ogled. It's embarrassing. I'm all, "TAKE A FUCK'N PICTURE ALREADY WHYDONTCHYA?" and "I'll give you 10 minutes to stop sucking that." and, "Easy, stop poking me." Always trying to see if that's real. And, quit staring at my package, "Helloooo, my eyes are up here."

The worse thing, at first I thought it was worst thing but now I'm over myself, when my hog's reputation first preceded me I was horrified and had words with the individual responsible, and then I realized, "Hey, what's the problem here? There isn't one."

The best thing about being in possession of a magnificent hog is how hot look in boxer briefs. Even skinny as I am, that's part of it. Does this answer your question?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

A virtuality, a center that is not a center. a way not to see.

Jarhead opening scene

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Today too I'll experience something I hope to understand in a few day.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

(1) My wife tells me we have almost no honey bees in the garden this year.

Swallowtail butterflies, yes.

But Monarch butterflies, no.

(2) I discovered one of those invasive Asian Snakehead fish in our Koi pond the other day. I have to confess I became rather angry (okay, furious) and I netted the fucker and tossed him on the lawn to suffer and die or maybe a hawk would make off with it and shred it to death, strip by horrible strip.

(3) We don't really have a Koi pond so I was just making up that little story about the Snakehead. And anyway, how the heck could it have gotten into a Koi pond? That was a clue that I put in, intentionally, masterful kidder that I am.

(4) The takeaway is that I didn't cause that helpless little Snakehead to suffer needlessly and I still retain my much-cherished status as a sweetheart of a guy, kind to children and animals, and beloved of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, may the blessings of Allah be upon his Buddha.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...


Lem the artificially intelligent said...

When I'm not sitting staring at the screen, the thoughts come and go in a seemingly connected flow.

I once was lost but in a few hours I'll be lost again and no GPS hiding in my pocket can show me the way back to San Jose.

rhhardin said...

If you want nobility, you want not bees but sponges.

It keeps its identity no matter what it's filled with.

"Ignoble as it may be, and lacking in natural nobility; poor in its genealogical extraction, and unable to choose between the proper and the improper, the economy of the sponge is nonetheless better able to resist the oppressor--its ignoble labor enfranchises it."

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I put up a comment, just now, from an archive of them I once added to the ways the bees do their thing.

I discovered that sharing it handed the key to anyone that cared to look, to look back.

Google sucks that way.

I very quickly clicked the door shut. its a good thing there isn't much traffic early in the morning. so I believe nobody saw what I did. so say you all. oh say can you see

Cody Jarrett said...

Hey Lem, a while ago you said if we needed to reach you we should email instead of posting a comment.

Well that's great, but you don't answer your emails.

I mean--at least drop a note back saying "fuck off and never email me again" or something.


And Mitchell, the snakehead can breath air on land.

Kind of cool animals really.
Just vicious, voracious destroyers. Sometimes they comment on other people's blogs.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I've been getting a few.

You don't go by CEO-MMP. any hints on what the email might have been about? w/o divulging it entirely?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Some comments got tossed in the spam filter again. I'll make sure I keep checking it.

(that is all)

Cody Jarrett said...

Well, it sounds like you've been getting emails, so maybe it's best if I just assume the lack of response is the answer and let my issue drop.

And the Sox lost last night. What are they, below .500 since the break?

A collapse and it's not even August yet!

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Who is CEO-MMP in the emails?

Cody Jarrett said...

My 70 year old mother crashed down the stairs Monday, twisting up her ankle under her. Being her, she refused to see any sort of medical person.

Finally yesterday someone who's not related to her looked at it and said 'what the fuck are you thinking' and trundled her off to a clinic for x rays.

She managed to break all three bones--the fibula, tibia and talus. That's talent right there.

She and the ortho argued over surgery. He finally agreed to cast it for a week, re-x-ray it to check if the bones had moved and go from there.

She lives alone, an hour from me. Shit just got weird yo.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Did you want me to put up a comment?

Cody Jarrett said...

No Lem, it was another blog related issue. I'll try you again.
Thanks boo!

rhhardin said...

Cautionary tale from CNN : mankind hunted the dildo to extinction.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

If its about the mobile feature of blogger. that is under deliberation. very slow you might say. I suggested a poll. all in good time.

Freeman Hunt said...

Yikes, CEO! That's terrible. Sorry to read that.

Cody Jarrett said...

Thanks Freeman.

Her house would also qualify her for a spot on a 'hoarders' show, complicating her staying there alone.

Anyone has any spare wisdom and/or patience, I'll gladly take any offered, and in a few days I'm sure I'll be willing to pay fair market value (or slightly higher!).

Gonna be a fun end of summer party.

ken in tx said...

I have had two hives of bees die on me in the last three years. Colony collapse syndrome I think. I got two harvests of honey and one piddling batch out of them. I will wait until my wife retires and we move to get started again. BTW, regardless of what you have heard, honey bees are not native to North America. Indians called them English flies. Plants native to America do not need honey bees for pollination, i.e. corn, beans, squash, potatoes, etc. The crops that need them are old world imports like almonds and pistachios.